Smart Home

Smart Home systems are connected to equipment in order to automate specific tasks and are usually controlled remotely. They are used to adjust and control your home security system, cameras, refrigerators, air conditioners and heating etc.

The smart home industry is a wide field for development of various startups.

We are experts in this direction as we create not only software but also hardware. We have extensive experience in the development of IoT devices from an initial idea to a finished prototype.

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Embrox develops devices that help to save:

  • Resources since it is possible to track the usage and turn off if necessary. The possibility to set a limit and adjust notifications of excess usage is also provided.
  • Costs as a consequence that follows from resource savings.
  • Time. A lot of processes are adjusted automatically and there is no need to spend extra time on them.

Our specialists attach great significance to the security of IoT devices as well.

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Since our company has experience in this industry, we will spend less time on the discovery phase.

Let's discuss it

Case studies

Software & Hardware


AI Energy Control Solution


Smart Shower
