Man shall not live by software alone
Last week, Embrox Solutions took part in a student conference at Lviv State University of Life Safety DSNS. Our speaker talked about New Product Development and its stages, i.e. directly about the creation of physical devices. As an example, we took our "Smart Shower" case and showed how important for developers is knowledge of electrical and mechanical engineering.
In most cases, customers turn to Embrox just with an idea, and we lead them through a full cycle: from organizing ideas and creating technical tasks, to the finished tested product.
There are 6 stages of NPD :
- Ideation
- Design Engineering
- Concept
- Prototyping
- Proof of concept
- Production
At each of these stages, it is very important that the specialist understands at least the basic principles of engineering: how the device will work, where it will be used, what may be the risks, and what to consider.
For example, one of the interesting things that our team identified while working on the "Smart Shower" case was that due to the hot water, the sensors may not read the human silhouette correctly, so additional sensors were added.
Also, a very important detail was that the shower could not be powered by a power outlet (of course, if no one is planning to commit suicide), so it was designed to work on batteries.
The eco-friendliness of the developed product is that the user got 60% of water savings, and the use of a generator allowed them to recharge the batteries, which, in turn, made the product autonomous in operation for several years.
Our speaker encouraged students to attend radio engineering classes at least for mercantile purposes – to earn more in the future;)
It was emphasized that Embrox values and financially rewards developers with knowledge of engineering, so we will be glad to see students doing internships in our company and working on our projects.